With the toolbar, you have a quick and easy access to the menue functions, you need to load and save files or edit movie files.

This menu button removes all files from the movie list. New meta information is lost, if you don’t save before. You can load new movie files to the list now.

You can load new movie files for editing here. The files are inserted in the movie list. MetaMovie accepts .m4v, .mp4 and .eyetv (prepared for iPhone, iPad or AppleTV) files. The same file can occur only once in the movie list.

Force Tagging Files
Saves all information and cover images in the selected movie files of the movie list, regardless if they are marked as saved (green LED). You can use this function, if you want to rename already tagged files.

Tag Files
Saves all information and cover images in the selected movie files of the movie list. The files must be in the status "yellow“. After successfully saved, the LEDs of the files turn green.

Tag All Files
Saves information and cover images of all movie files in the movie list. You don’t need to select them before. The files must be in the status "yellow“. After successfully saved, the LEDs of the files turn green.

Save As
This button opens the save panel. Here you can select a new folder for your selected movie files. MetaMovie copies the selected files of the movie list to the new location. If you have activated some renaming options in the preferences, the name of the destination file is changed after saving. Then the new files are tagged with the movie information and covers. The original files are not touched.

Press this icon to start the search on the TMDb for all selected files in the movie list. Per movie file the search results of the most popular movie matching your movie title are selected. You can edit the new meta information before you save it to the movie.

Split Title
This function extracts movie title, release year and genre from the filename. The filename must be in the following format: movie "title - year, genre", e.g. "Spys like us - USA 1985, Comedy". The Plex like filename format "movie title (year) - resolution" is also supported, e.g. "Spys like us - (1985) - 720p.m4v“ .

Cut All
All information and the cover image of the selected movie file is copied to the clipboard before the edit fields and the cover are cleared.

Copy All
All information and the cover image of the actual selected file is copied to the clipboard. You can copy the meta information from one file to another using this function. At first select "Copy all“ from the toolbar. Then select the destination file in the movie list. After that select "Paste All" to copy the information from the clipboard to the edit fields and cover area.

Paste All
Copies the information and cover image from the clipboard to the edit fields and cover area for the actual selected file. Existing information are overridden.

Press this icon to remove the selected files of the movie list. If you did not saved the meta information of the selected files before, all new information is lost.

Use this icon to erase all meta information of the selected files in the movie list. Existing meta data of your files are not touched, as long as you don’t press "Save“ or "Save As“.

This menu item opens the preferences dialog.

Opens or closes the ID-Window for additional information.

This menu button opens or closes the TMDb search drawer.